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Tradition (custom) - a set of ideas, rituals, habits and skills of practical, social and religious activities, transmitted from generation to generation (from father to child), acting as one of the regulators of social relations.

A traditionalist (conservative) has an unconscious attitude that somewhere in the past there was a standard, and time and place do not matter; in principle, there may be a standard in the future as well... There is a certain etalon with which one should compare oneself and bring oneself into conformity. Traditionalism is characterized by collective bail, by removing responsibility from oneself and shifting it to one's ideal, to a leader, a prophet, a group of people who are sacralized and endowed with some superhuman qualities and ideal parameters. It is this division into a sacred ideal and an ordinary self that is the fundamental error of traditionalism.

In the modern world, the conservative traditionalist paradigm has outlived its usefulness. Neither the Gospel nor the Qur'an calls for "traditionalism" or conservatism; on the contrary, both scriptures speak of personal responsibility and the personal initiative of each individual.


The root ṭā ghayn yā (ط غ ي) is used in Corpus Quran 39 times]. See material Tag

The root hamza bā wāw (أ ب و) is used in Corpus Quran 117 times.

In the Quran, the terms that best fit the definition of "tradition" are our fathers (Arabic آبَاؤُنَا, abauna) and tagut (Arabic الطَّاغُوتِ, al-taguti).


Origin of the term

The term "tradition" is derived from the Latin word traditio, the verb tradere, meaning "to pass on. Originally, the word was used literally, referring to a tangible action: for example, the ancient Romans used it when they needed to give someone an object, even to give their daughter in marriage. But the object being handed over could be intangible. It may, for example, be a certain skill: such an action is also, in a figurative sense, a traditio. In short, something that does not belong to him, being transmitted by someone from outside, a custom.

This basic distinction often recedes into the background of consciousness, giving way to another, also meaningful, but derivative distinction. For the ordinary consciousness of the modern era, the word "tradition" is associated primarily with that which is associated with the past, has lost its novelty and therefore opposes development and renewal, which in itself is unchangeable, symbolizes stability up to and including stagnation, eliminates the need to reflect on the situation and make a decision.