An-Nahl (The Bees)

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(16:0) In the name of God, the Gracious, the Compassionate.

(16:1) God's command has come; so do not hasten it. Glorified is He and High above the partners they have set up.

(16:2) He sends down the angels with the Spirit by His command upon whom He wishes of His servants: "That you shall warn that there is no god but I, so be aware of Me."

(16:3) He created the heavens and the earth with the truth. He is High above the partners they have set up.

(16:4) He created the human being from a seed, but then he becomes a clear opponent.

(16:5) The livestock He created for you, in them is warmth and benefits, and from them you eat.

(16:6) For you in them is attraction, when you relax and when you travel.

(16:7) They carry your loads to a place you would not have been able to reach except with great strain. Your Lord is Kind, Compassionate.

(16:8) The horses, the mules, and the donkeys, that you may ride them and as an adornment. He creates what you do not know.

(16:9) To God shall be the path, but some are mislead. If He wished, He could have guided you all.

(16:10) He is the One who sent down water from the sky for you, from it you drink, and from it emerge the trees that you wander around in.

(16:11) He brings forth with it vegetation, olives, palm trees, grapes and from all the fruits. In that are signs for a people who think.

(16:12) He committed for you the night, the day, the sun, the moon. Also the stars are committed by His command. In that are signs for a people who reason.

(16:13) What He has placed for you on earth in various colors. In that are signs for a people who remember.

(16:14) He is the One who committed the sea, that you may eat from it a tender meat, and that you may extract from it pearls that you wear. You see the ships flowing through it, so that you may seek from His bounty, and that you may be thankful.

(16:15) He has cast into the earth stabilizers so that it does not sway with you, and rivers, and paths, perhaps you will be guided.

(16:16) Landmarks, and by the stars they use to guide.

(16:17) Is the One who creates the same as one who does not create? Will you not remember?

(16:18) If you count the blessings of God you will not be able to fathom them. God is Forgiving, Compassionate.

(16:19) God knows what you hide and what you declare.

(16:20) As for those they call on besides God, they do not create anything, but are themselves created!

(16:21) They are dead, not alive, and they will not know when they are resurrected.

(16:22) Your god is One god. Those who do not acknowledge the Hereafter, their hearts are denying, and they are arrogant.

(16:23) Certainly, God knows what they hide and what they declare. He does not like the arrogant.

(16:24) If they are told: "What has your Lord sent down?" They say, "Fairytales of the past."

(16:25) They will carry their burdens in full on the day of Resurrection, and also from the burdens of those whom they misguided without knowledge. Evil indeed is what they bear.

(16:26) Those before them have schemed, but God came to their buildings from the foundation, thus the roof fell on top of them, and the retribution came to them from where they did not know.

(16:27) Then, on the day of Resurrection He will humiliate them, and say, "Where are My partners whom you used to dispute regarding them?" Those who have received the knowledge said, "The humiliation today and misery is upon the ingrates."

(16:28) Those whom the angels take while they had wronged themselves: "Amnesty, we did not do any evil!" "Alas, God is aware of what you had done."

(16:29) "So enter the gates of hell, in it you shall reside; such is the abode of the arrogant."

(16:30) It was said to those who were righteous: "What has your Lord sent down?" They said, "All goodness." For those who have done good in this world there is good, and the Hereafter is even better. Excellent indeed is the home of the righteous.

(16:31) The gardens of Eden, which they will enter, with rivers flowing beneath, in it they will have what they wish. It is such that God rewards the righteous.

(16:32) Those whom the angels take, while they had been good, they will say, "Peace be upon you, enter paradise because of what you have done."

(16:33) Are they waiting for the angels to come for them, or a command from your Lord? It was exactly the same as what those before them did. God did not wrong them, but it was their own selves that they wronged.

(16:34) Thus, the evil of their work afflicted them, and they were surrounded by what they used to make fun of!

(16:35) Those who set up partners said, "If God had wished it, we would not have served anything besides Him; neither us nor our fathers; nor would we have forbidden anything without Him." Those before them did the exact same thing; so are the messengers required to do anything but deliver with proof?

(16:36) We have sent a messenger to every nation: "You shall serve God and avoid transgression." Some of them were guided by God, and some of them deserved to be misguided. So travel in the land, and see how the punishment was of those who denied.

(16:37) If you are concerned for their guidance, God does not guide whom He misleads. They will have no victors.

(16:38) They swore by God, in their strongest oaths, that God will not resurrect whoever dies. No, it is a promise of truth upon Him, but most people do not know.

(16:39) So that He will make clear for them that in which they have disputed, and so that those who have rejected will know that they were liars.

(16:40) When we want something, our word is only to say to it: "Be," and it is.

(16:41) Those who have emigrated for God, after they were oppressed, We will grant them good in the world, and the reward of the Hereafter will be greater, if they knew.

(16:42) Those who are steadfast, and put their trust in their Lord.

(16:43) We did not send any except men/walkers before you whom We inspired, so ask the people who received the Reminder if you do not know.

(16:44) With proof and the scriptures. We sent down to you the Reminder to proclaim to the people what was sent to them, and perhaps they would think.

(16:45) Have those who schemed evil guaranteed that God will not make the earth swallow them, or the retribution come to them from where they do not expect?

(16:46) Or that He will take them in their actions as they cannot escape?

(16:47) Or that He will take them while they are in fear? Your Lord is Kind, Compassionate.

(16:48) Did they not see that what God has created, its shadow inclines to the right and the left prostrating to God, willingly?

(16:49) To God prostrate all those in the heavens and all those on the earth, from the creatures as well as the angels, and they are not arrogant.

(16:50) They fear their Lord from above them, and they do what they are commanded.

(16:51) God said, "Do not take-up two gods, there is only One god, so it is Me that you shall revere."

(16:52) To Him is what is in the heavens and the earth, and the system shall always be to Him. Is it other than God that you shall be aware of?

(16:53) Any blessings that are with you are from God. Then, when harm afflicts you, to Him you cry out.

(16:54) Then, when He removes the harm from you, a group of you set up partners with their Lord!

(16:55) So they reject what We have given them. Enjoy, for you will come to know.

(16:56) They allocate a portion from what We provide to them to what they did not have knowledge of. By God, you will be asked about the lies you have invented!

(16:57) They assign their daughters to God; be He glorified; and to them is what they desire.

(16:58) When one of them is given news of a female, his face becomes darkened and he is in grief!

(16:59) He hides from his people because of the bad news he has received. Shall he keep her with dishonor, or bury her in the sand? Miserable indeed is how they judge!

(16:60) For those who do not acknowledge the Hereafter is the worst example, and for God is the highest example, and He is the Noble, the Wise.

(16:61) If God were to immediately call the people to account for their transgression, then He would not leave a single creature standing. But He delays them to a determined time; so when that time comes to any of them, they cannot delay it by one moment or advance it.

(16:62) They attribute to God what they hate, and their tongues assert lies that they will get the best. No doubt they will have the fire, for they have rebelled.

(16:63) By God, We have sent others to nations before you, but the devil adorned their work for them. So he is their ally today, and they will have a painful retribution.

(16:64) We did not send down the book to you except that you may proclaim to them that in which they disputed, and as a guidance and mercy to a people who acknowledge.

(16:65) God has sent down water from the sky, so He revives the land with it after its death. In that is a sign for a people who listen.

(16:66) For you there is a lesson in the livestock; We give you to drink from what is in its stomachs between the digested food and the blood, pure milk which is relieving for the drinkers.

(16:67) From the fruits of the palm trees and the grapes you make wine as well as a good provision. In that is a sign for a people who reason.

(16:68) Your Lord inspired to the bee: "You shall take homes of the mountains and of the trees and of what they erect."

(16:69) Then you shall eat from every fruit, so seek the path your Lord has made easy. From its stomachs will emerge a liquid that has different colors, wherein there is a healing for the people. In that is a sign for a people who will think.

(16:70) God created you, then He will take you. Some of you will continue to the most miserable age so that he will not know anything after knowledge. God is Omniscient, Omnipotent.

(16:71) God has preferred some of you over others in provision. Those who have been preferred will not relinquish their provision to those whom they have contractual rights, so they may become equal in it. Are they denying the favor of God?

(16:72) God has made for you mates from amongst yourselves, and He has made from your mates children and grandchildren, and He has provided you from the good provisions. Do they acknowledge falsehood, while in God's favor they are denying?

(16:73) They serve besides God what does not and cannot possess anything of the provisions from the sky or the land.

(16:74) So do not give parables to God. God knows while you do not know.

(16:75) God cites the example of a slave who is owned and cannot control anything, against one whom We have provided a good provision which he spends of it secretly and openly. Are they the same? God be praised, but most of them do not know.

(16:76) God puts forth the example of two men, one of them is mute and he cannot control anything, and he is a burden to his master. Wherever he points him, he does not come with any good. Is he the same as one who orders good and he is on a straight path? (16:77) To God is the mystery of the heavens and the earth, and the matter of the moment is like the blink of the eye or nearer. God is capable of all things.

(16:78) God brought you out of your mothers’ wombs while you knew nothing. He made for you the hearing and the eyesight and the heart, perhaps you would be thankful.

(16:79) Did they not look to the birds held in the atmosphere of the sky? No one holds them up except God. In that are signs for a people who acknowledge.

(16:80) God has made your homes a habitat, and He made for you from the hides of the livestock shelter which you find light for travel and when you stay, and from its wool, fur, and hair you make furnishings and goods, for a while.

(16:81) God has made for you shade from what He created. He made from the mountains a refuge for you. He made for you garments which protect you from the heat, and garments which protect you from attack. It is such that He completes His blessing upon you, that you may peacefully surrender.

(16:82) So if they turn away, then you are only required to deliver clearly.

(16:83) They recognize God's blessing, then they deny it. Most of them are ingrates.

(16:84) The day We send from every nation a witness, then those who have rejected will not be given leave, nor will they be allowed to make amends.

(16:85) Then those who were wicked will see the retribution; it will not be lightened for them, nor will they be given respite.

(16:86) When those who set up partners saw the partners they made, they said, "Our Lord, these are our partners that we used to call upon besides You." But they returned in answer to them: "You are liars!"

(16:87) They peacefully surrendered to God on that day, and what they had invented abandoned them.

(16:88) Those who rejected, and repelled others from the path of God, We have increased the retribution for them over the retribution for what they had corrupted.

(16:89) The day We send to every nation a witness against them from themselves, and We have brought you as a witness against these. We have sent down to you the book as a clarification for all things, a guide, mercy and good tidings for those who have peacefully surrendered.

(16:90) God orders justice and goodness, and that you shall help your relatives, and He forbids from evil, vice, and transgression. He warns you that you may remember.

(16:91) You shall fulfill your pledge to God when you pledge so, and do not break your oath after making it, for you have made God a sponsor over you. God is aware of what you do.

(16:92) Do not be like the one who unraveled her knitting after it had become strong, by breaking your oaths as a means of deception between you, because a nation is more numerous than another nation. God only puts you to the test by it. He will show you on the day of Resurrection what you were disputing in.

(16:93) Had God wished, He would have made you one nation, but He misguides whom He wishes, and He guides whom He wishes. You will be asked about what you used to do.

(16:94) Do not use your oaths as a means of deception between you, that a foot will falter after it had been firm, and you will taste the evil of turning away from the path of God, and you will have a great retribution.

(16:95) Do not purchase with God's pledge a cheap price. What is with God is far better for you if you know.

(16:96) What you have will run out, while what God has will remain. We will recompense those who are patient, their reward with the best of what they used to do.

(16:97) Whoever does good work, be he male or female, and is an acknowledger, We will give him a good life and We will reward them their dues with the best of what they used to do.

(16:98) So, when you study the Quran, you shall seek refuge with God from Satan the outcast.

(16:99) He has no authority over those who acknowledge, and who put their trust in their Lord.

(16:100) His authority is over those who follow him, and those who set him up as a partner.

(16:101) If We exchange a sign in place of another sign; and God is more aware of what He is revealing; they say, "You are making this up!" Alas, most of them do not know.

(16:102) Say, "The Holy Spirit has sent it down from your Lord with truth, so that those who acknowledge will be strengthened, and as a guidance and good news for those who have peacefully surrendered."

(16:103) We are aware that they say, "A human is teaching him." The language of the one they refer to is foreign, while this is a clear Arabic language.

(16:104) Those who do not acknowledge God's signs, God will not guide them, and they will have a painful retribution.

(16:105) Making up lies is only done by those who do not acknowledge God's signs, and these are the liars.

(16:106) Whoever rejects God after having acknowledged; except for one who is forced while his heart is still content with acknowledgement; and has opened his chest to rejection, then they will have a wrath from God and they will have a great retribution.

(16:107) That is because they preferred the worldly life over the Hereafter, and God does not guide the rejecting people.

(16:108) Those are the ones whom God has stamped on their hearts, their hearing, and their sight; such are the heedless.

(16:109) Without doubt, in the Hereafter they are the losers.

(16:110) Your Lord is to those who emigrated after they were persecuted, then they strived and were patient; your Lord after that is Forgiving, Compassionate.

(16:111) The day every person will come to argue for herself, and every person will be paid in full for what she did, and they will not be wronged.

(16:112) God cites the example of a town which was peaceful and content, its provisions were coming to it bountifully from all places, but then it rebelled against God's blessings and God made it taste hunger and fear for what they used to do.

(16:113) A messenger came to them from themselves, but they denied him. So, the punishment took them while they were wicked.

(16:114) So eat from what God has provided for you, what is good and lawful, and thank the blessings of God, if it is indeed He whom you serve.

(16:115) He only made forbidden for you what is already dead, blood, the meat of pig, and what was sacrificed to any other than God. But whoever is forced to, without disobedience or transgression, then God is Forgiving, Compassionate.

(16:116) You shall not invent lies about God by attributing lies with your tongues, saying: "This is lawful and that is forbidden." Those who invent lies about God will not succeed.

(16:117) A small enjoyment, and they will have a painful retribution.

(16:118) For those who are Jews, We forbade what We narrated to you before. We did not wrong them, but it was themselves they used to wrong.

(16:119) Yet, your Lord, to those who repent and reform after committing evil out of ignorance, your Lord after that is Forgiving, Compassionate.

(16:120) Abraham was a nation, devoted to God, a monotheist, and he was not of those who set up partners.

(16:121) Because he was thankful for His blessings, He chose him and guided him to a Straight Path.

(16:122) We gave him good in this world, and in the Hereafter he is of the reformed ones.

(16:123) Then We inspired to you: "You shall follow the creed of Abraham, monotheism, and he was not of those who set up partners."

(16:124) The Sabbath was only decreed for those who disputed in it, and your Lord will judge between them for what they disputed in.

(16:125) Invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and good advice, and argue with them in the best possible manner. Your Lord is fully aware of who is misguided from His path, and He is fully aware of the guided ones.

(16:126) If you penalize, then punish with an equivalent punishment inflicted on you. If you show patience then it is better for the patient ones.

(16:127) Be patient, and your patience is only possible by God. Do not grieve for them, and do not be depressed by what they scheme.

(16:128) God is with those who are aware and are good doers.