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In psychology, the psyche is the totality of the human mind, conscious and unconscious.


The triliteral root nūn fā sīn (ن ف س) occurs in the Quran 298 times.

Compare with English «psycho-», from Ancient Greek «ψυχή» - "the animating principle of a human or animal body, vital spirit, soul, life".

Compare Proto-Circassian *psa, Proto-Northwest Caucasian *pǝsA (literally “soul”).

In The Quran

(91:7-8) A nervous system, and how He balanced it. So He coordinated it's sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.

Test for psyche

(2:155) We will test you with some fear and hunger, and a shortage in money and psychical (Arab. وَالْأَنْفُسِ, wal-anfusi) (desorders) and fruits. Please the sober.

(3:186) We will test you with your wealth and with your psychical (Arab. وَأَنْفُسِكُمْ, wa-anfusikum) (qualities), and you will hear from those who have been given the book before you and from those who set up partners much annoyance. If you sober and be cautious, then these are affairs of great resolve.

See also


