Al-Mujadila ("She Who Disputes")

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In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Compassionate.

(58:1) Allah has heard the woman who argues with you regarding her husband, and she complains to Allah. Allah hears the argument between you. Allah is Hearer, Seer.

(58:2) Those among you who estrange their wives by saying to them: "You are as my mother." They can never be as their mothers, for their mothers are the women who gave birth to them. Indeed, they are uttering what is strange and a falsehood. Allah is indulgent, Forgiver.

(58:3) Those who had estranged their wives in this manner, then they again repeat it, they shall free a slave before they have sexual contact between them. This is to enlighten you. Allah is well aware of everything you do.

(58:4) If he cannot find anyone, then he shall fast two consecutive months before any sexual contact between them. If he cannot, then he shall feed sixty poor people. That is so you would acknowledge Allah and His messenger. These are the limits set by Allah. Those who do not appreciate have incurred a painful retribution.

(58:5) Those who oppose Allah and His messenger will be disgraced, like their previous counterparts were disgraced. We have sent down clear proofs, and the ingrates have incurred a shameful retribution.

(58:6) On that day, Allah will raise them whole, and will tell them what they have done. Allah has numbered it, but they have forgotten. Allah is the Witness of all things.

(58:7) Do you not realize that Allah knows everything in the heavens and everything on earth? No three people can meet secretly without Him being their fourth, nor five without Him being the sixth, nor less than that, nor more, without Him being there with them wherever they may be. Then, on the day of resurrection, He will inform them of everything they had done. Allah is fully aware of all things.

(58:8) Have you noted those who were forbidden from holding meetings in secret, but then insist on it? They meet secretly to commit sin, transgression, and disobedience of the messenger. When they come to you, they greet you with a greeting other than what Allah greets you with. They say inside themselves: "Why does Allah not punish us for our utterances?" Hell will be sufficient for them, wherein they burn; what a miserable destiny.

(58:9) O you who trust! If you must meet secretly, then you shall not meet to commit sin, transgression, and to disobey the messenger. You shall meet to work righteousness and piety. Be aware of Allah, before whom you will be summoned.

(58:10) Secret meetings are from the devil, to cause grief to those who acknowledged. However, he cannot harm them except by Allah's will. In Allah those who acknowledge shall put their trust.

(58:11) O you who trust! If you are told to make room in the councils, then you shall make room. Allah will then make room for you. If you are asked to step down, then step down. Allah will raise those among you who acknowledge, and those who acquire knowledge to higher ranks. Allah is fully aware of everything you do.

(58:12) O you who trust! If you wish to hold a private meeting with the messenger, you shall offer a charity before you do so. This is better for you, and purer. If you cannot afford it, then Allah is Forgiver, Compassionate.

(58:13) Are you reluctant to offer a charity before such a meeting? If you do not do it; and Allah had forgiven you; then you shall hold the contact prayer, contribute towards betterment, and obey Allah and His messenger. Allah is fully Aware of everything you do.

(58:14) Have you noted those who befriended people with whom Allah is angry? They are now neither from you nor from them. They deliberately swear to lies while they know!

(58:15) Allah has prepared for them a severe retribution. Miserable indeed is what they used to do.

(58:16) They have made their genes a shield, and have led others astray from the way ofAllah. They are destined for humiliating torment.

(58:17) Neither their money, nor their children will help them against Allah in the least. They have incurred the hellfire, in it they will abide.

(58:18) On the day when Allah will raise them whole, they will swear before Him, just as they swear before you, thinking it will help them. In fact, they are liars.

(58:19) The devil has overtaken them, and has caused them to forget the methodology of Allah. These are the party of the devil. Absolutely, the party of the devil are the losers.

(58:20) Surely, those who oppose Allah and His messenger, they will be with the lowliest.

(58:21) Allah has decreed: "I and My messengers will be the victors." Allah is Powerful, Noble.

(58:22) Among those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, you will not find people who (reciprocate) those who oppose Allah and His messenger, even if it is their fathers, sons, brothers or relatives. Allah has written trust in their hearts, and advocates them with the Spirit, from Him. He will bring them into the genetics nourished by those Days that (became) its forerunners, and they will abide there forever. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. They are the acceptors of Allah. Truly, Allah's acceptors is the successful.