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Abraham (Arab. عِيسَى) is the prophet in Abrahamic religions. Abraham mentioned 69 times, in 63 verses, in 25 surahs. Ibrahim (Abraham) (Arabic: سورة إبراهيم‎, "Abraham") is the 14th sura of the Quran with 52 ayat.


From Hebrew Abraham "father of a multitude," from abh "father" + *raham (cognate with Arabic ruham "multitude"); the name he altered from Abram "high father," from second element ram "high, exalted." Related: Abrahamic; Abrahamite.


List of surahs
Surah Arab. Moses Adam Jesus Abraham Muhammad Noah
1 Al-Fatiha (The Opener) الفاتحة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
2 Al-Baqara (The Heifer) البقرة 13 times in 13 verses 5 times in 5 verses 3 times in 3 verses 15 times in 12 verses not mentioned not mentioned
3 Al Imran (The Family of Imran) آل عمران 1 time in 1 verse 2 times in 2 verses 5 times in 5 verses 7 times in 7 verses 1 time in 1 verse 1 time in 1 verse
4 An-Nisa (Women) النساء 3 times in 2 verses not mentioned 3 times in 3 verses 4 times in 3 verses not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
5 Al-Ma'ida ("The Table Spread") المائدة 3 times in 3 verses 1 time in 1 verse 6 times in 6 verses not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
6 Al-An'am (The Cattle) الأنعام 3 times in 3 verses not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse 4 times in 4 verses not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
7 Al-A'raf (The Heights) الأعراف 21 times in 19 verses 7 times in 7 verses not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 2 times in 2 verses
8 Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) الأنفال not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
9 At-Tawba (The Repentance) التوبة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 3 times in 2 verses not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
10 Yunus (Jonah) يونس 8 times in 8 verses not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
11 Hud (Hud) هود 3 times in 3 verses not mentioned not mentioned 4 times in 4 verses not mentioned 8 times in 8 verses
12 Yusuf (Joseph) يوسف not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 2 times in 2 verses not mentioned not mentioned
13 Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder) الرعد not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
14 Ibrahim (Abraham) إبراهيم 3 times in 3 verses not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
15 Al-Hijr (The Stoneland) الحجر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned
16 An-Nahl (The Bees) النحل not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 2 times in 2 verses not mentioned not mentioned
17 Al-Isra (The Night Trip) الإسراء 3 times in 2 verses 2 times in 2 verses not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 2 times in 2 verses
18 Al-Kahf (The Cave) الكهف 2 times in 2 verses 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
19 Maryam (Mary) مريم 1 time in 1 verse 1 time in 1 verse 1 time in 1 verse 3 times in 3 verses not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
20 TaHa (TaHa) طه 17 times in 17 verses 5 times in 5 verses not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
21 Al-Anbiya (The Prophets) الأنبياء 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned 4 times in 4 verses not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
22 Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) الحج 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned 3 times in 3 verses not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
23 Al-Muminoon (The Believers) المؤمنون 2 times in 2 verses not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
24 An-Nur (The Light) النور not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
25 Al-Furqan (The Criterion) الفرقان 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
26 Ash-Shuara (The Poets) الشعراء 8 times in 8 verses not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned 3 times in 3 verses
27 An-Naml (The Ants) النمل 3 times in 3 verses not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
28 Al-Qasas (The Stories) القصص 18 times in 17 verses not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
29 Al-Ankabut (The Spider) العنكبوت 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned 2 times in 2 verses not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
30 Ar-Rum (The Romans) الروم not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
31 Luqman (Luqman) لقمان not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
32 As-Sajda (The Prostration) السجدة 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
33 Al-Ahzab (The Clans) الأحزاب 2 times in 2 verses not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse 1 time in 1 verse 1 time in 1 verse 1 time in 1 verse
34 Sheba (Saba) سبأ not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
35 Fatir (Originator) فاطر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
36 Ya Sin (Ya Sin) يس not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
37 As-Saaffat (The Rangers) الصافات 2 times in 2 verses not mentioned not mentioned 3 times in 3 verses not mentioned 2 times in 2 verses
38 Sad (Sad) ص not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
39 Az-Zumar (The Troops) الزمر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
40 Ghafir (The Forgiver) غافر 5 times in 5 verses not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 2 times in 2 verses
41 Fussilat (Explained In Detail) فصلت 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
42 Ash-Shura (The Counsel) الشورى 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
43 Az-Zukhruf (Luxury) الزخرف 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned
44 Ad-Dukhan (Smoke) الدخان not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
45 Al-Jathiya (The Kneeling) الجاثية not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
46 Al-Ahqaf (The Dunes) الأحقاف 2 times in 2 verses not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
47 Muhammad ("Muhammad") محمد not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned
48 Al-Fath ("Victory") الفتح not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned
49 Al-Hujurat ("The Chambers") الحجرات not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
50 Qaf ("Qaf") ق not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
51 Adh-Dhariyat ("The Winnowing Winds") الذاريات 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
52 At-Tur ("The Mount") الطور not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
53 An-Najm ("The Star") النجم 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
54 Al-Qamar ("The Moon") القمر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
55 Ar-Rahman ("The Most Merciful") الرحمن not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
56 Al-Waqi'a ("The Event") الواقعة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
57 Al-Hadid ("The Iron") الحديد not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
58 Al-Mujadila ("She Who Disputes") المجادلة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
59 Al-Hashr ("The Exile") الحشر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
60 Al-Mumtahina ("The Woman Tested") الممتحنة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 2 times in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned
61 As-Saff ("The Ranks") الصف 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned 2 times in 2 verses not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
62 Al-Jumua ("The Day of Congregation") الجمعة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
63 Al-Munafiqun ("The Hypocrites") المنافقون not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
64 At-Taghabun ("Loss") التغابن not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
65 At-Talaq ("Divorce") الطلاق not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
66 At-Tahrim ("Prohibition") التحريم not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse
67 Al-Mulk ("Sovereignty") الملك not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
68 Al-Qalam ("The Pen") القلم not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
69 Al-Haaqqa ("The Reality") الحاقة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
70 Al-Maarij ("The Stairways") المعارج not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
71 Nuh ("Noah") نوح not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned 3 times in 3 verses
72 Al-Jinn ("The Jinn") الجن not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
73 Al-Muzzammil ("Enfolded") المزمل not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
74 Al-Muddathir ("The Cloaked One") المدثر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
75 Al-Qiyama ("Resurrection") القيامة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
76 Al-Insan ("Human") الإنسان not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
77 Al-Mursalat ("The Emissaries") المرسلات not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
78 An-Naba ("The Announcement") النبأ not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
79 An-Naziat ("Those Who Pull Out") النازعات 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
80 Abasa ("He Frowned") عبس not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
81 At-Takwir ("The Overthrowing") التكوير not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
82 Al-Infitar ("The Cleaving") الإنفطار not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
83 Al-Mutaffifin ("The Defrauders") المطففين not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
84 Al-Inshiqaq ("The Sundering") الإنشقاق not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
85 Al-Burooj ("The Constellations") البروج not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
86 At-Tariq ("Pulsar") الطارق not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
87 Al-Ala ("The All-Highest") الأعلى 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned 1 time in 1 verse not mentioned not mentioned
88 Al-Ghashiyah ("The Overwhelming") الغاشية not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
89 Al-Fajr ("The Dawn") الفجر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
90 Al-Balad ("The City") البلد not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
91 Ash-Shams ("The Sun") الشمس not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
92 Al-Lail ("The Night") الليل not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
93 Ad-Dhuha ("Morning Bright") الضحى not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
94 Al-Inshirah ("Solace") الانشراح not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
95 At-Tin ("The Figtree") التين not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
96 Al-Alaq ("The Clot") العلق not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
97 Al-Qadr ("The Power") القدر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
98 Al-Bayyina ("Evidence") البينة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
99 Az-Zalzala ("The Quake") الزلزلة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
100 Al-Adiyat ("The Courser") العاديات not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
101 Al-Qaria ("The Shocker") القارعة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
102 At-Takathur ("Hoarding") التكاثر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
103 Al-Asr ("The Time") العصر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
104 Al-Humaza ("The Gossipmonger") الهمزة not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
105 Al-Fil ("The Elephant") الفيل not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
106 Quraysh ("Quraysh") قريش not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
107 Al-Ma'un ("Almsgiving") الماعون not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
108 Al-Kawthar ("Abundance") الكوثر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
109 Al-Kafirun ("The Unbelievers") الكافرون not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
110 An-Nasr ("Divine Support") النصر not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
111 Al-Masad ("The Palm Fiber") المسد not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
112 Al-Ikhlas ("Fidelity") الإخلاص not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
113 Al-Falaq ("Dawn") الفلق not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
114 An-Nas ("People") الناس not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned not mentioned
*** Total *** 136 25 25 69 4 43

In The Bible

Abraham meets The God Almighty

(Genesis 17:1) When Abraham (Hebrew. אַבְרָ֔ם, ’aḇ-rām) was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, "I am God Almighty . Walk before Me and be blameless".