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More information in the article Pronoun

«Man» - «مَنْ» - "who?, which?, which one?, who, the one who, he who, those who, everyone who"

Grammatically a masculine singular, the pronoun is semantically gender- and number-neutral.

1. Engl. "mind, man, mean, mono, money";

2. Russ. "мне, меня, мнение, моно, монета, мания";

3. Qaz. "мен, ми, мағынасы, мәні, манас, мынау, манат, мунай".

4. Arab. "مَ, مَنْ, مَنَّ, مَهِينٍ, أَمَنَةً, مَنَعَ, يَمِينٍ, أَمَانِيِّ";