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Fundamentals(fn) of Refal(fn) Programming(fn), Basic(fn) Refal(fn)

5.4 Translation(fn) of Arithmetic(fn) Expressions (fn)

To give(fn) an example(fn) of translation (fn) programs (fn) in (fn) Refal, we consider (fn) the translation (fn) of an arithmetic (fn) expression (fn) into an assembly (fn) language (fn) for a one-address (fn) computer (fn). Elementary (fn) operands (fn)in arithmetic (fn) expressions (fn)will be variables (fn) (represented (fn) by identifiers (fn)) and whole (fn) numbers(fn). The five (fn) arithmetic (fn) operations (fn) are allowed (fn) : + (fn) , - (fn), * (fn), / (fn), ^ (the last for exponentiation (fn)) with the usual(fn) priorities(fn) ; parentheses (fn) can(fn) (fn)also (fn) be used (fn)(fn).