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The symbol "ي" is one of the symbols in the Arabic alphabet, representing the sound "y" and having Phoenician roots. The Phoenician alphabet was used in ancient Phoenicia (now Lebanon) and was the predecessor of the Arabic alphabet.

The creation of the symbol "ي" dates back to the 7th century CE when the Arabic alphabet began to develop. It originated from a letter in the Phoenician alphabet that also represented the sound "y". In the Arabic alphabet, the symbol "ي" has several forms depending on its position in the word.

The symbol "ي" is of great importance in the Arabic language and culture. It is used in writing many Arabic words and is often used as a suffix to indicate belonging or origin. For example, the word "عربي" (arabi) means "Arabic", and the word "مصري" (masri) means "Egyptian".

In addition, the symbol "ي" has cultural significance in the Arab world. It is used in the names of many people and places, and its form can be used in the design of Arabic calligraphic works and art. Overall, the symbol "ي" is an important element of Arabic alphabet and culture.