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base element of a writing/reading system

(74:1) O Analytic!

(74:2) Stand and warn.

(74:3) Your Lord glorify.

(74:4) Your garments purify.

(74:5) Abandon all that is vile.

(74:6) And do not confer favor to acquire more.

(74:7) To your Lord be patient.

(74:8) So when the trumpet is sounded.

(74:9) That will be a very difficult day.

(74:10) Upon the ingrates it will not be easy.

(74:11) So leave Me alone with the one I have created.

(74:12) I gave him abundant wealth.

(74:13) Children to bear witness.

(74:14) I made everything comfortable for him.

(74:15) Then he wishes that I give more.

(74:16) No. He was stubborn to Our ideas.

(74:17) I will exhaust him in climbing.

(74:18) He thought and he analyzed.

(74:19) So woes to him for how he analyzed.

(74:20) Then woe to him for how he analyzed.

(74:21) Then he looked.

(74:22) Then he frowned and scowled.

(74:23) Then he turned away in arrogance. Prophecy Fulfilled

(74:24) He said, "This is nothing but an impressive magic."

(74:25) "This is nothing but the words of a human."

(74:26) I will cast him in the Saqar.

(74:27) Do you know what Saqar is?

(74:28) In computing, (ALU) an arithmetic’’’

(74:29) logic unit is a combinational

(74:30) digital circuit and bitwise operations

(74:31) on integer binary numbers. This is in contrast to a floating-point unit (FPU), a fundamental building block of computing including the central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing units (GPUs). Integrated circuit (IC) transistors are orders of magnitude smaller of the early microprocessors, to fit highly complex ALUs on ICs. Widths and architectural enhancements such as barrel shifters and multipliers that allow, in a single clock cycle, operations that would have required multiple operations on earlier ALUs. ALUs can be realized as mechanical, electro-mechanical or electronic circuits failed verification and, in recent years, research into biological ALUs has been carried out (e.g., actin-based).

(74:32) No, by the moon.

(74:33) By the night when it passes.

(74:34) By the morning when it shines.

(74:35) Indeed, it (is) surely one (of) the greatest

(74:36) A warning to (all) the people.

(74:37) For any among you who wishes to progress or regress.

(74:38) Every person is held by what it earned;

(74:39) Except for the people of the right.

(74:40) In genetics, they will be asking

(74:41) About the criminals.

(74:42) "What has caused you to be in Saqar?"

(74:43) They said, "We were not of those who offered support."

(74:44) "We did not feed the poor."

(74:45) "We used to participate with those who spoke falsehood."

(74:46) "We used to deny the day of Judgment."

(74:47) "Until the Fulfillment came to us."

(74:48) Thus, no intercession of intercessors could help them.

(74:49) Why did they turn away from this reminder?

(74:50) Like fleeing zebras,

(74:51) Running from the lion?

(74:52) Alas, every one of them wants to be given separate manuscripts.

(74:53) No, they do not fear the Hereafter.

(74:54) No, it is a reminder.

(74:55) Whosoever wishes will take heed.

(74:56) None will take heed except if Allah wills. He is the source of righteousness and the source of forgiveness.