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Necrosis (from Ancient Greek νέκρωσις (nékrōsis) 'death') is a form of cell injury which results in the premature death of cells in living tissue by autolysis.Necrosis is caused by factors external to the cell or tissue, such as infection, or trauma which result in the unregulated digestion of cell components. In contrast, apoptosis is a naturally occurring programmed and targeted cause of cellular death. [1]

Dementia is a disorder which manifests as a set of related symptoms, which usually surfaces when the brain is damaged by injury or disease.[2] The symptoms involve progressive impairments in memory, thinking, and behavior, which negatively impacts a person's ability to function and carry out everyday activities.


The root nūn kāf rā (ن ك ر), according to, is used in Quran 37 times].

Compare with English. necrosis] - necrosis, dying away, from Proto-Indo-Hebro. neḱ- - to turn to ashes, to perish, to disappear.

In Quran

(16:90) Indeed, God commands us to observe justice, to do good, and to give gifts to our relatives. He forbids abominations, reprehensible deeds and impurities. He exhorts you - may you remember (the exhortation).

(22:72) When Our clear ayats are recited to them, you find denial on the faces of the enunciators. They are almost (ready) to pounce on those who recite Our ayats to them. Say, "Shall I not inform you of an even worse thing? This is the Fire that God has promised to those who have rejected. How wretched is this place of arrival!"

To forbid reprehensible

(3:104) Let there be among you a community that calls to good, commands (to do) according to conscience, and deters from the reprehensible. They are the successful ones.