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Journey is a travel, the movement of people between distant geographical locations.

Journey is a day's journey, a measurement of distance.

Journey is any process or progression likened to a journey, especially one that involves difficulties or personal development.

«Hijra» (Arabic: هجرة - journey, emigration, resettlement) - «journey». In a narrow sense - «the journey» of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, or the Sons of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. In a broad sense - «journey» from the tyranny of state despotism to a safe region.

«Muhajir» (Arabic: المهاجرون, the one who journeyed) is an associate of the prophet Muhammad who journeyed from Mecca to Medina in 622. Together with the Ansars, the muhajirs made up the elite of the community of those who submitted to God.


The triliteral root hā jīm rā (ه ج ر) according to occurs in the Quran 31 times.

In English «journey», from Latin «diurnus», from rhotacization of earlier *diusnus, from «dius» (“old nominative of «dies») - back-formed from the accusative diem (at a time when the vowel was still long), from Proto-Italic «djēm», from Proto-Indo-European «dyḗws» - "heaven, sky" +‎ «-nus» (suffix forming adjectives).

The original nominative survives as *diūs in two fossilised phrases: mē diūs fidius (an interjection) and nū diūs tertius (“day before yesterday”, literally “now (is) the third day”).

To be joined

Сommon biliteral root - jīm rā (ج ر).

The triliteral root jīm rā yā (ج ر ي) according to occurs in the Quran 64 times.

In the Quran

(2:218) Those who have acknowledged, and those who have journeyed and strived in the cause of God. These are seeking God's compassion. And God is Forgiving, Compassionate.

(4:97) Those whom the angels take, while they had wronged themselves; were asked, "What situation were you in?" They responded, "We were oppressed on earth." They asked, "Was God's earth not wide enough that you could journey in it?" To these their abode will be Samsara; what a miserable destiny.