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The neologism (Greek νέος "new" and λόγος "word") - "Fake news" is used to refer to false or misleading information presented as news, often aimed at damaging the reputation of an individual or a legal entity, published in order to achieve "cheap PR" and enrichment through advertising revenue. However, the term has no fixed definition, and is applied in a broader sense to include any type of false information or "newspaper duck" publications.


The triliteral root hamza fā kāf (أ ف ك), according to corpus.quran.com, occurs in the Quran 30 times. Combine with Rejection material.

Etymology of the English word fake in en.wiktionary has the following description - The origin is not known with certainty, although first attested in 1775 C.E. in British criminals' slang (The origin is uncertain, although first attested (word) was in 1775, in British criminals' slang). What follows is a fake etymological parsing.))

Compare with Latin. affingo - I add, I attach, I embellish, I fake, from Latin ad- + fingō.

Compare with Latin. facio - I make, construct, modify, set up, produce, compose.

Compare with: fiction, fact, style, fashion".