Seek help

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The triliteral root ʿayn wāw dhāl (ع و ذ), according to, occurs in the Quran 17 times.

Compare with English «voice» - "voice, sound".

Compare with English «vow» - "a solemn promise to perform some act; a declaration or assertion", from Latin «votum» - "promise, dedication, vow, solemn pledge, determination, will, desire, prayer".

Compare with Greek «εὐάζω - euázō» - "to cry εὐαί (euaí) in honor of Dionysus".

Compare with Persian «آواز - âvâz» - "voice, sound, note, tune, noise, rumor, echo'", with Sanskrit «वाच् - vā́c» - "a word, saying, phrase, sentence, statement, asseveration", with Latin «vox - vōx» - "voice, accent, speech, remark, expression, (turn of) phrase, word".

Compare with Turkish «ağız» - "mouth, accent".

Compare with Kazakh «auyz» - "mouth, nozzle".

To be joined

With the triliteral root ʿayn wāw nūn (ع و ن), according to, occurs in the Quran 11 times.

With the triliteral root ghayn wāw thā (غ و ث), according to, occurs in the Quran 5 times.

With the triliteral root wāw ʿayn ẓā (و ع ظ), according to, occurs in the Quran 25 times.

Seek help - ʿayn wāw nūn (ع و ن)

The triliteral root ʿayn wāw nūn (ع و ن) occurs in the Quran 11 times.


in the Quran

(1:5) You alone we serve; you alone we ask for help (Arab. نَسْتَعِينُ, nastaʿīnu).

(2:45) And seek help (Arab. وَاسْتَعِينُوا, wa-is'taʿīnū) through patience, and the Contact prayer. It is a difficult thing, but not so for the humble.

Seek help - ghayn wāw thā (غ و ث)

The triliteral root ghayn wāw thā (غ و ث) occurs in the Quran 5 times.