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Islam (Arabic: إسلام, islam) - in the form of a verbal noun with the three-letter root sīn lām mīm (س ل م) and forming a wide group of words mostly associated with the concepts of integrity, submission, security and peace. In a religious context, it is a monotheistic world religion, which in its name carries the meaning "voluntary surrender (submission) of oneself to Allah.

Adherents of Islam are called Muslims. The main holy book of Islam is the Koran. The language of inspiration is classical Arabic. The final form of Islam was formulated at the end of the Quran's sending down to the prophet Muhammad in the seventh century.


The triliteral root sīn lām mīm (س ل م) according to occurs in the Quran 140 times.

Compare with English - «solemn» - "performed with religious ceremony or reverence; devoted to religious observances, sacred; ceremonious, formal; of a vow: made under a religious sanction, binding; religious celebration, celebration of a feast day; famous, well-known; important; grand, imposing; awe-inspiring, impressive; grave, serious; dignified; enunciated or held formally".

Compare with Hebrew - «shalom» - "completeness, soundness, welfare, peace".

Compare with Latin - «caerimonia» - "religious ceremony, ritual, sacredness, sanctity, reverence, veneration, awe".


To be joined

1. The root wāw ṣād lām (و ص ل), according to, is used in Quran 12 times.

2. The root fā ṣād lām (ف ص ل), according to, is used in Quran 43 times.

3. The root hamza ṣād lām (أ ص ل), according to, is used in Quran 10 times.

4. The root ṣād lām wāw ('ص ل و), according to, is used in Quran 99 times.

Peacefully surrender face to God

(2:112) No, whosoever peacefully surrenders (Arab. أَسْلَمَ, aslama) his face to God, while being a gooddoer; he will have his reward with his Lord. There will be no fear over them, nor will they grieve.

(31:22) Whosoever peacefully surrenders (Arab. يُسْلِمْ, yus'lim) his face to God, while being a gooddoer, then he has taken hold of the strongest bond. To God all matters will return.

(4:125) Who is better in the system than one who peacefully surrenders (Arab. أَسْلَمَ, aslama) his face to God, while being a gooddoer, and he followed the creed of Abraham in monotheism? God took Abraham as a friend.

(3:20) If they debate with you, then say, "I have peacefully surrendered (Arab. أَسْلَمْتُ, aslamtu) my face to God, as well as those who follow me." In addition, say to those who were given the book and the Gentiles: "Have you peacefully surrendered?" If they have peacefully surrendered then they are guided; but if they turn away, then you are only to deliver. God is watcher over the servants.

(3:64) Say, "O People of the Book, let us come to a common statement between us and between you; that we do not serve except God, and do not set up anything at all with Him, and that none of us takes each other as lords beside God." If they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we have peacefully surrendered (Arab. مُسْلِمُونَ, mus'limūna)."

(29:46) Do not argue with the People of the Book, except in the best manner; except for those who are wicked amongst them; and say, "We acknowledge what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you, and our god and your god is the same; to Him we peacefully surrender (Arab. مُسْلِمُونَ, mus'limūna)."