An-Najm ("The Star")

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In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Compassionate.

(53:1) As the star collapsed.

(53:2) Your friend was not astray, nor was he deceived.

(53:3) Nor does he speak from personal desire.

(53:4) It is a divine inspiration.

(53:5) He has been taught by One mighty in power.

(53:6) Possessor of ultimate acme; he became stable.

(53:7) While he was at the highest horizon.

(53:8) Then he drew nearer by moving down.

(53:9) Until he became as near as two bowlengths or nearer.

(53:10) Allah instilled in His obedient what He instilled,

(53:11) The heart did not invent what it saw.

(53:12) Do you doubt him in what he saw?

(53:13) Indeed, he saw him in another descent.

(53:14) At the ultimate point.

(53:15) Near is the eternal genetic.

(53:16) The whole place was overwhelmed.

(53:17) The eyes did not waver, nor go blind.

(53:18) He has seen from the great ideas of his Lord.

(53:19) Have you considered Allaat and Al-Uzzah?

(53:20) And Manaat, the third one?

(53:21) Do you have male offspring and He has female offspring?

(53:22) What a strange distribution!

(53:23) These are but names that you made up, you and your forefathers. Allah never authorized such. They only follow conjecture, and wishful thinking, while the guidance has come to them from their Lord.

(53:24) Or shall the human being have what he wishes?

(53:25) To Allah belongs the Hereafter, and the world.

(53:26) There are many angels in heaven, who have no power to intercede, except after Allah gives permission for whom He wishes and is satisfied with him.

(53:27) In fact, those who do not believe in the Last Life call angels by women's names

(53:28) While they had no knowledge about this; they only followed conjecture. Conjecture is no substitute for the truth.

(53:29) So disregard he who turns away from Our methodology, and only desires this worldly life.

(53:30) This is the extent of their knowledge. Your Lord is fully aware of those who strayed away from His path, and He is fully aware of those who are guided.

(53:31) To Allah belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He will requite those who commit evil for their works, and will reward the righteous for their righteousness.

(53:32) They avoid major sins and lewdness, except for minor offences. Your Lord is with vast forgiveness. He has been fully aware of you since He initiated you from the earth, and while you were fetuses in your mothers' gen. Therefore, do not acclaim yourselves; He is fully aware of the righteous.

(53:33) Have you noted the one who turned away?

(53:34) He gave very little, and then he stopped.

(53:35) Did he possess knowledge of the future? Could he see it?

(53:36) Or was he not informed of the teachings in the book of Moses?

(53:37) Of Abraham who fulfilled?

(53:38) None can carry the burdens of another.

(53:39) The human being will have what he sought.

(53:40) His works will be shown.

(53:41) Then he will be paid fully for such works.

(53:42) To your Lord is the final destiny.

(53:43) He is the One who makes laughter and tears.

(53:44) He is the One who takes life and gives it.

(53:45) He is the one who created the pairs - male and female -

(53:46) From sperm that is ejaculating.

(53:47) He will effect the recreation.

(53:48) He is the One who makes you rich or poor.

(53:49) He is the Lord of Feelings.

(53:50) He is the One who destroyed Aad the first.

(53:51) Of Thamud He left nothing.

(53:52) The people of Noah before that; they were evil transgressors.

(53:53) He overthrew the fakers,

(53:54) Consequently, they utterly vanished.

(53:55) So which of your Lord's marvels can you deny?

(53:56) This is a warning like the older ones.

(53:57 The final judgment draws near.

(53:58) None beside Allah can relieve it.

(53:59) Are you surprised by this narration?

(53:60) You are laughing, instead of crying?

(53:61) You are insisting on your ways?

(53:62) Fall down ahead Allah in obedience!

▼ Next surah - Al-Qamar ("The Moon") ▼