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Nabi (Arabic نبي - prophet, plural anbiya', nabiyun) - in the Quran, people chosen by Allah to transmit revelation ("scripture"). The term nabi is used in the Quran along with rasul ("messenger"). Among the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, Muhammad, etc.


The triliteral root nūn bā hamza (ن ب أ) according to, occurs in the Quran 160 times.

Compare with English «new», from Proto-Indo-European «néwos» - "new".

Compare with Nabu was the god of wisdom in Akkadian mythology, the patron of scribes and calligraphers. Worshiped in the city Borsippa, a suburb of Babylon. Included in the list of the 12 major gods of the city of Babylon. His Temple - Seven-stage zikkurat E-zida (House of Eternity).

Compare with English nobel

Compare with novator - one who introduces and implements new, progressive ideas.

Nota bene a Latin phrase meaning "mark well, observe particularly," 1721, from Latin nota, second person singular imperative of notare "to mark" (from nota "mark, sign, note, character, letter;" see note (n.) + bene "well" (see bene-). Often abbreviated N.B.

Compare with notify

According to Electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary:

compare with Sumerian nabāţu - "to shine; (to be) pure; (to be) clear, to radiate (light), arrow" and nabû - "to find, discover; to name, nominate".

«Prophethood» & «Prophecy»

(45:16) We had given the Children of Israel the Text and the Acme, and the Prophethood, and We provided them with good provisions, and We fidelized them above The Cognizers.