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«Credit» - is the trust which allows one party to provide money or resources to another party wherein the second party does not reimburse the first party immediately (thereby generating a debt), but promises either to repay or return those resources (or other materials of equal value) at a later date.


The triliteral root qāf rā ḍād (ق ر ض), according to, occurs in the Quran 13 times.

Compare with English «accord» - "agreement, consent, treaty", from Latin «accordo» - "make agree, bring into accord", from «ad-» - "magnification, macht" +‎ «cor» - "heart, cardio" +‎ «-ō».

cardio, credit, re-cord, credo, creed, Credo quia absurdum («I believe because it is absurd»).

To be joined

The triliteral root fā rā ḍād (ق ر ض), according to, occurs in the Quran 18 times.

The triliteral root qāf rā dāl (ق ر د), according to, occurs in the Quran 3 times. See the article «Ape»

The triliteral root fā rā dāl (ف ر د) occurs in the Quran five times. See the article «Alone»


(2:207) And among the People there is one who dedicates his person by seeking Allah's favor, and Allah is Kind to His servants.

In the Quran

(2:245) The one who will credit (Arab. يُقْرِضُ, yuq'riḍu) Allah through credit (Arab. قَرْضًا, qarḍan) of goodness that He may multiply it for him. Allah collects and He distributes, and to Him you will return.