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The triliteral root ʿayn fā rā (ع ف ر) occurs in the Quran 1 times.

Ifrit, efreet, efrite, ifreet, afreet, afrite and afrit (Arabic: ʻIfrīt: عفريت, pl ʻAfārīt: عفاريت) are supernatural creatures in some Middle Eastern stories. In The Quran, this term refers either to the most powerful and dangerous Jinn, or to the creative genius person.


Traditionally, Arab philologists trace the derivation of the word to عفر ("afara" - "to rub with dust"). Some Western philologists, such as Johann Jakob Hess and Karl Vollers, attribute it to Middle Persian "afritan", which corresponds to Modern Persian آفريدن‬ ("to create").

In The Quran

(27:39) A creative one (Arab. عِفْرِيتٌ, ʿif'rītun) from among geniuses said, "I will bring it to you before you rise from your station. For I am strong and trustworthy."

See also

Sanskrit words in the Quran

Persian words in the Quran


Persian Words in Quran