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enthrall (v.) also enthral "to hold in mental or moral bondage," 1570s, from en- (1) "make, put in" + thrall (n.). Literal sense (1610s) is rare in English. Related: Enthralled; enthralling.


The root nūn ẓā rā (ن ظ ر) is used in Quran 129 times.


the root nūn dhāl rā (ن ذ ر) appears in the Quran 130 times;

thrall, throw.

In The Quran

(2:50) We parted the sea for you, thus We saved you and drowned the people of Pharaoh while you were watching (Arab. تَنْظُرُونَ, tanẓurūna).

(50:6) Did they not look (Arab. يَنْظُرُوا, yanẓurū) to the sky above them, how We structured it, and adorned it, and how it has no gaps?

(74:36) A warning (Arab. نَذِيرًا, nadhīran) to (all) the people.