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The root ʿayn mīm lām (ع م ل) is used in Quran 360 times.

compare with Emulate



in Quran

(2:25) Give good news to those who and emulate the righteous deeds, that they will have genetics fueled by those Days that (became) its forerunners. Every time they receive of its fruit, they say, "This is what we have been provisioned before," and they are given its likeness/allegories. Moreover, there they will have pure spouses, and there they will abide.

(2:62) Indeed, those who trusted, and those who were guided (by Allah), and the Companions, and the Sabaeans, who trusted in Allah, and the Day of Ultimate Reality, and emulated the righteous deeds - it is for them (intended) their reward with their Lord. They will not (know) fear, nor will they be grieved.

(2:74) After that your hearts were hardened and became like stones, or even harder. Indeed, among the stones there are some that pour out rivers. Among them are those that cleave and pour out water. Among them are those that overthrow for fear of Allah. And Allah is not negligent in what you emulate.

(2:82) And those who have trusted, and emulate righteous deeds, are such possessors of the genetics in which they (abide) forever.

(2:85) But here you are killing each other, and driving out a group of you from their homes; you backup (each other) against them with evil and animosity. If they come to you as prisoners, you ransom them while it was forbidden for you to drive them out! Do you acknowledge some of the book and reject some? The punishment for those amongst you who do so is humiliation in this worldly life; and on the day of Resurrection, they will be returned to the most severe retribution. And Allah is not negligent in what you emulate.

(2:96) You will definitely find them the most obsessive People regarding long life; as well as those who have set up partners; each one of them wishes that he could live a thousand years. It will not change for him the retribution even if he lived that long; and Allah is watching what you are emulating.

(2:144) We saw you directing your attention to the sky, and We will turn you to a paradigm (of which you will remain) satisfied. Turn your attention in the direction of the Mosque. And wherever you are, turn your attention in its direction. Indeed, those to whom the Scriptures have been given know that this is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not negligent in what you emulate.

(2:110) Observe the prayer, and contribute towards betterment, and what you bring forth of good for yourselves, you will find it with Allah. In fact, Allah is watching what you are emulating.

(2:134) That was a nation that has passed away. To them is what they have earned, and to you is what you have earned, and you will not be asked regarding what they emulated.

(2:140) "Or do you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Patriarchs were all Jewish or Nazarene?" Say, "Are you more knowledgeable or is Allah?" Who is more wicked than one who conceals a testimony with him from Allah? And Allah will not neglect what you emulate.

(2:141) This is the source code of the community. To her it is what she has earned, and to you it is what you have earned, and you will not (be) asked for what they have emulated.

(2:144) We saw you directing attention to the sky, and We will turn you to a paradigm (of which you will remain) satisfied. Turn your attention in the direction of the Mosque. And wherever you are, turn your attention in its direction. Indeed, those to whom the Scriptures have been given know that this is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not negligent in what you emulate.

(2:149) Wherever you come from, look in the direction of the Mosque. Verily, this is the truth from your Lord. And Allah will not neglect what you emulate.

(2:265) The parable of those who spend their possessions in seeking to satisfy Allah by strengthening themselves is the parable of the sprouting garden. If a downpour comes, its fruitfulness will increase. If it doesn't rain, (it suffices) with a drizzle. Allah sees what you are emulating.

(2:271) If you (distribute) alms openly, that is excellent. But if you distribute it surreptitiously to the needy, that is even better for you. (For that) He will remove some of your wrongdoing. And Allah is informed of what you emulate.

(2:277) Indeed, those who trusted, and emulate righteous deeds, and offered prayer and paid zakat, for them (there is) a reward from their Lord. They will not (know) fear, nor will they be grieved.

(2:283) If you find yourself on a journey and do not find a scribe, hold on to the deposit. But if you trust each other, let him to whom it is entrusted pay for what is entrusted to him, and watch out for his Lord God. And do not conceal the testimony. But he who hides it, his heart is truly (afflicted) with sin. Allah knows what you are emulating.