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The triliteral root jīm mīm ʿayn (ج م ع)? according to corpus.quran.com, occurs in the Quran 129 times.

English word «jam» (a sweet mixture of fruits boiled with sugar) comes from Arabic «جَمْع»‎ (jamʿ) - "gathering, collection, combination, joining, aggregation", from «جَمَعَ‎» (jamaʿa) - "to gather, collect, combine, assemble, bring together".


Sanskrit word Saṃhita derives from the prefix «सम्- sam» - "with, together with, along with, together, altogether", and «हित - hita», the past participle of the verbal root «धा - dhā» - "to put, place, set, lay in or on". The combination word thus means - "put together, joined, compose, arrangement, place together, union", something that agrees or conforms to a principle such as dharma or in accordance with justice, and - "connected with". Saṃhitā (संहिता) in the feminine form of the past participle, is used as a noun meaning - "conjunction, connection, union", "combination of letters according to euphonic rules", or "any methodically arranged collection of texts or verses".

Sanskrit word «सम्- sam» - "with, together with, along with, together, altogether", from quranic root jīm mīm ʿayn (ج م ع), according corpus.quran.com, occurs in the Quran 129 times.

In the Quran

(17:88) Say: "Even if humanity jammed with the genies, in (an attempt) to manifest (something) like this Quran, they would not (succeed) in manifesting such a thing, even if they began to help each other.

(2:148) Everyone has a direction to which he turns. But stay ahead of (others) in good works. Wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together. For Allah establishes (regulations) over all things.

(22:73) O people, a parable is given; listen to it. For those whom you call, those below Allah, will never create a fly, even if they jam to do so. But if the Fly makes a mess of anything, they will not be able to keep it out of their hands. Weak is the seeker, and the searcher!

(75:9) And the sun and the moon will jam.


(45:13) And he subdued for you that which is in heaven, that which is on earth, all from Him. Indeed these are the signs for the allegorical (thinking) people.

(7:18) (Allah) said: "Depart from here as a despicable outcast! Only those of them who follow you. I will surely fill Samsara with all of you.

(38:85) I will surely fill Samsara with you, and all those of them (who) follow you»

(15:39) (Abless) said: "O Lord! For Thou hast (introduced) me into unconsciousness, I will surely embellish for them on earth, and will surely (introduce) them together into unconsciousness,»

(38:82) (Abless) said: "(I swear by) Your might! I will lead them all into unconsciousness,

(32:13) If We had wished, We would have given exact guidance to every soul, but it is true what I have said: "I will (certainly) fill Samsara with geniuses and men - jam-pack!

(8:37) That Allah separated the Absurd from the Reasonable, and gathered the Absurd - (one) part of it after another, jamming it into a cluster, and assigned it (a place) in Samsara. Such are they - the Losers.

In The Quran

(2:29) He is the One who created for you all (Arab. جَمِيعًا, jamīʿan) that is in the earth, then He attended to the Universe and made it seven universes, and He is aware of all things.

(75:17) It is for Us is its collection (Arab. جَمْعَهُ, jamʿahu), and and its construction.


(38:73) All (without exception) the angels fell to their knees,

(5:105) O you who trust! Take care of yourselves. If you have followed the straight path, you will not be harmed by one who has gone astray. It is up to all of you to return to Allah, and then He will tell you what you have done.

(3:173) The people said to them, "The people have jam-packed against you. Fear them." But this only increased their faith, and they said, "Allah is enough for us, and this is the excellent Trustee!»

(16:9) Allah points the way in moderation, but there are roads that lead away. If Allah had willed, He would have set you all on a straight path.

Just one last dance

(6:12) Say, "So to whom is all that is in Heaven and all that is on earth subordinate? Say: "To Allah! Who has ordained Himself (to be) merciful. He will (surely) jam you together on the Day of the Presentation, and in (this) there is no doubt. Those who (harm) their souls - such will not (be) able to trust.

(64:9) On that day He will jam you together, and it is the Day of (general) Jam. It will be an Uncompromising Day. And to him who trusted in God, and did righteous deeds, He will absolve him of his wickedness, and will bring him into the genitive fed by those Days that (were) its forerunners. (Staying) there (will last) forever, and (will be) forever. This is the Great Succeeding!

(3:9) "Our Lord! You will jam people together on a day in which there is no doubt. Indeed, Allah does not break His promise.»

Legal Rights

(5:32) It is because of this that We have decreed for the Children of Israel, "Anyone who kills a person who has not committed murder, or who has not committed mischief in the land; then it is as if he has killed all the people! Whoever spares a life, then it is as if he has given life to all the people." Our messengers had come to them with clarification, but many of them are, after this, still transgressing on the earth.

(24:61) It is no sin for the blind man, it is no sin for the lame man, it is no sin for the sick man and for yourselves if you eat in your houses, or in the houses of your fathers, or in the houses of your mothers, or in the houses of your brothers, or in the houses of your sisters, or in the houses of your paternal uncles, or in the houses of your paternal aunts, or in the houses of your maternal uncles, or in the houses of your maternal aunts, or in those houses whose keys are in your possession, or in the house of your friend. It is no sin for you to eat together or separately. When you enter houses, greet yourselves (each other) with a greeting from Allah, blessed, good. This is how Allah explains the ayats to you, that you may understand.

(24:62) Indeed, those who have trusted are those who (show) trust in Allah, and in His messenger. And when they find themselves with him in common cause, they do not leave (the assembly) until they (ask) his permission. For those who (ask) your permission - such is their (manifestation of) trust in Allah, and His messenger. And when they (ask) your approval concerning some of their situations, approve those of them to whom you wish, and (ask) Allah for their forgiveness. For Allah is a forgiving, merciful Allah.


(10:4) All of you will return to him, according to Allah's true promise. He creates creation for the first time, and then recreates it, in order to justly reward those who trusted, and acted Righteously. For those who denied, a drink of boiling water is prepared, and painful suffering for what they denied.

(59:14) They will not fight with you collectively, except in fortified cities, or in hiding places. They have a violent enmity among themselves. You think they are united, but their hearts are divided. That is because they are a foolish people.

(39:44) Say: "Intercession is centered in Allah!" To Him the heavens and the earth are subject; then to Him you (will be) returned.

(3:25) But how (will they behave) when We jam them on that day, of whose existence there is no doubt, when every soul will be rewarded for what it has gained, and no one will be treated unjustly?

(27:51) See what was the result of their intrigue! For We destroyed them, and their people - (all) together.

(36:53) There will be only one roll, and they will all be jammed to Us.


(43:32) Is it they who distribute the Grace of your Lord? We have distributed among them their livelihood in the worldly life, and have exalted some of them above others by degrees, that some of them may take others to serve them. The mercy of your Lord is better than what they jam-pack.

(13:18) Those who have answered their Lord, (are given) the best. And those who answered not unto Him, (receive their) reckoning for wrong-doers! (If they took possession) of all that is in the earth and as much more, they would (eagerly desire) to be repaid with it. Their abode (would be) Samsara. And how wretched is this bed!

(39:53) Say: "O my obedients! Those of you who have overindulged (in harming) yourselves: Do not despair of Allah's mercy. In fact, Allah forgive sins completely, for Allah - the All-forgiving, the Merciful.

(8:63) and reunited their hearts. If you were to use up everything in jam (available) on earth, you would not reunite their hearts. But Allah reunites them, for He is the mighty, the wise

The Existence of Antiheroes

(10:71) And read for them Noah's proclamation, which he uttered for his people: "O my people! If for you have proved to be a burden, (the practice of) my existentialism, and my methodological (discourse) to the ayats of Allah - then my reliance is on Allah alone! Jam your case, and your co-conspirators, then let your cause not concern you, then judge me, do not give me delay!»

(12:15) When they took him away, and together (conspired) to throw him to the bottom of the well, We implored him, "You (for sure) will remind them of this act, and they (it) will not feel it.»

(26:65) We rescued Moses and those with him.

(20:60) When Pharaoh withdrew, he jam-pack his minions and then came (with them).

(26:49) He (Pharaoh) said: "Did you really believe him before I let you? Indeed, he is the eldest of you who has taught you witchcraft! But soon you will know! I will cut off your arms and legs crosswise and crucify you all!.»

(17:103) But he (Pharaoh) wanted them (to be) expelled from (this) earth. But We drowned him, and all those who were with him.

(14:8) Moses said: "If you and earth's jam become unbelievers, in fact Allah is the rich, the honorable."

(26:170) And so We saved him and his family-all of them,


(3:103) Take hold of Allah's rope all together, and do not be divided. Remember the mercy that Allah (gave) you when you were enemies, and He (created) unity between your hearts, and by His mercy you became brothers. But you were on the brink of the Abyss of Fire, and He saved you from it. So Allah explains to you His ayahs, that ye may (follow) the guidance.

(4:172) The Messiah will never ignore (opportunities) to bear obedience, (dedicating it) to Allah. And the Approached angels will not (ignore). And whoever ignores His service, and (shows) arrogance, He will gather them to Himself, all together.

(13:31) But if there were a creature by which the Mountains would move, or by which the Earth would open up, or by which the Dead would speak... But no! (Every) solution jam to Allah! So why despair of those who trusted, (knowing) that if Allah wills, He will guide the entire human race (according to the established strategy)? And those who deny, for what they do, will not cease to receive their apocalyptic (scenarios), or (the scenarios will be) sanctioned near their dwellings, until the promise of Allah is revealed. For Allah does not contradict His Promise!

Traditional Obedience

(34:40) And (on that) day Allah will gather them jammed, then Allah will say, (addressing) the angels: "Were these for you in obedience

(2:161) For those who denied, and died being denied, such is the curse of Allah, angels, and people - all.

(4:140) He has already commanded you in Scripture not to sit down with them if you hear (how they) reject the ayats of Allah, and mock them, until they (begin) to rant about another hadith. Then you will be like them. Verily, Allah will jam the hypocrites and deniers in Samsara.

(5:17) Ingrates are those who have said, "Indeed, Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary. Say, "Who (has such) power (to) oppose Allah in any way, if he wishes to destroy the Messiah, son of Mary, and his mother, and all who are on earth?" And Allah (has) power over the universe, the earth, and what is in between. He creates what He wills. And Allah has power over being.

(6:128) On that day He will gather them together: "O dozens of Geniuses! You have (definitely) led the majority of (the representatives of) Mankind." Their human helpers will say, "Our Lord! Some of us have taken advantage of others, and we have reached our term, which You have appointed for us." He will say, "Agony will be your abode, in which you will abide forever, unless Allah wills otherwise!" Indeed, your Lord is a wise, knowledgeable one.


(35:10) If anyone covets power, it belongs entirely to Allah. To Him the beautiful word ascends, and He brings forth righteous deeds. But those who plot wickedness will suffer grievous torment, and their schemes will fail.

(39:67) But they have not comprehended Allah by true comprehension. And the earth, (will be) grasped by Him on the Day of the Presentation - entirely, and the heavens (will be) rolled up by Him - purposely. He is pure and exalted in spite of what they share.

(15:59) And only Lot's kind we will surely save in its entire,


(3:155) Those of you who backed out the day the two groups met were made to slip by Abless because of some of their actions. Of course, Allah has already had mercy on them, for Allah is a forgiving, enduring Allah.’’'

(3:166)' And that which befell you on the day of the Meeting of the Band (of Fighters), (happened) by the will of Allah, and that He might know those who Trusted

(54:44) Or they say, "We are a victorious group».

(54:45) This group will be broken, and they will reverse!

(4:71) O you who trust, take your precaution by going out in clusters, or going out all together.

(26:61) But when the two groups saw each other, the companions of Moses said, "We are caught!»

(18:60) So Moses said to his steward: "I will not stop until I reach (the place of) the confluence of the two seas, or I will continue (searching) for many years.»

(18:61) As soon as they reached the confluence between the two (seas), they both forgot about their fish, and it moved on its way across the sea, (moving away like) a mirage.

(18:99) In that day We will allow them to gush upon one another. And they will blow the horn, and We will jam-pack them (the creatures) all together.

Missile site

(5:109) On the day when Allah will jam the messengers together and say, "What is your answer? - They will say, "We have no knowledge. Truly, You are the Knower of the hidden.

(7:158) Say: "O people, I am God's messenger to all of you. He has dominion over the universe and the earth. There is no deity but Him. He brings life and He brings death. Believe in Allah and in His Messenger, the Prophet, the goy (uneducated in matters of religion and the Scriptures) who believed in Allah and His Words. Follow him, that you may (follow) the right guidance.

(42:7) In the same way, We instilled in you the construction of the Arabic (language), in order (that) you may warn the Commune of Architects, and those who are estranged from it, and (that) you may warn of the (approaching) Day of (forced) Jam, the contingent in (pacification of) the Garden of Eden, and the contingent with (the diagnosis of) Neurasthenia, of which there is no doubt.

(10:99) If your Lord willed, everyone on earth would believe. Would you force people to show trust?

(6:35)' And if their antipathy is a burden to you, if you (have) skill in seeking offerings on Earth, or support in Heaven, He (the Hour) will overtake them suddenly. If Allah willed, he would (undoubtedly) jam them all in the Guide. Therefore, do not be one of the ignorant.

(10:65) Let you not be saddened by what they say, for power belongs entirely to Allah. He is the Hearing One, the Knower.

Lego Jam

42:29, 36:32, 77:38, 44:40, 10:65, 62:9, 56:50, 70:14, 45:26, 11:103, 75:3, 58:6, 15:30, 6:149, 8:41, 24:31, 4:23, 10:58, 7:48, 104:2, 70:18, 5:36, 28:78, 39:47, 3:157, 11:55, 20:64, 13:42, 21:77, 12:83, 12:93, 26:38, 26:39, 26:56, 7:124, 43:55, 37:134, 26:56, 26:95, 100:5, 34:26, 58:18, 15:92, 3:87, 4:78, 4:139, 6:22, 10:28, 2:165, 14:21, 20:123, 2:38, 15:43, 11:119, 5:48, 42:15.